Рубрика «English»

History of Bronnitsy

Герб г.Бронницы (Московская область)

Bronnitsy Coat of arm (Moscow region)

The first written mention about village Bronnichi refers to 1453. But  location of the village — halfway between Moscow and Kolomna — major trading cities of the time, suggesting that the village appeared much earlier than it says about the official documents  ( In 1453, Grand Duchess Sophia, the widow of Prince Vasily Dmitrievich I ,  bequeathed Bronnichi with other villages to his grandson Yuri Vasilyevich. Archaeological research has shown that the area near Bronnitsy, was inhabited in the XI century. In the XII century there existed a Brasheva fortress which is protecting Moscow from the south.)

In XV-XVI centuries, is formed radial structure of settlement in the territory of modern Moscow region along the traiding paths, linking Moscow with the principalities of Russia. So, development of Bronnitsy is inextricably linked with the development of the Moscow region.
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Alex | 15.02.2010 | Рубрики: English, Бронницы